Helpful Tips for Alleviating Dry Eyes

Have you ever felt like your eyes are stinging, burning, or gritty as if there is sand in them? If so, you might have dry eye syndrome. This happens when your eyes do not make enough tears or good quality tears to stay healthy and see clearly. It would help to explore why this happens and how to make your eyes feel better.


What Are Tears and Why Are They Important?

Your eyes need tears to stay healthy. Tears keep your eyes smooth, comfortable, and moist. They also wash away dust and protect your eyes from infections. Healthy eyes make tears all day, every day.

Why Do Eyes Get Dry?

There are many reasons why your eyes might get dry. As people get older, their eyes naturally make fewer tears. Some diseases and medicines can also cause dry eyes. Sometimes, your eyes might make tears that do not work well to keep your eyes moist.

Signs of Dry Eyes

If you have dry eyes, you might notice your eyes look red. They might feel like they are burning or stinging. Your vision might be blurry, and your eyes might feel uncomfortable, especially when looking at screens for a long time.

How to Alleviate Dry Eyes

There are many things you can do to help your dry eyes feel better.

Warm Compresses

Putting a warm, wet cloth on your eyes can help. This warmth loosens oils in your eyelids that help your tears work better. Do this for at least a minute, and gently press the edge of your eyelid. You might need to do this every day.

Cleaning Your Eyelids

Keeping your eyelids clean can help, too. Use a little baby shampoo or mild soap to gently clean your eyelids, especially near your eyelashes.

Blinking More

When you look at screens, you blink less. Try to blink more often when using a computer or phone. Every 20 minutes, close your eyes for 20 seconds.

Eating Healthy Foods

Eating fish like salmon, tuna, or sardines can help your eyes. These fish have healthy fats called omega-3 that can help your eyes make better tears. Walnuts and flaxseeds are good, too.

Staying Hydrated

Drinking enough water is important for your whole body, including your eyes. Try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Foods with lots of water, like cucumbers and watermelon, can help, too.

Protecting Your Eyes

Wear sunglasses that wrap around your face to protect your eyes from dry wind. At home, try not to let air from fans or hair dryers blow directly into your eyes.

Using a Humidifier

A humidifier can add moisture to dry air in your home, which can help your eyes feel better.

Eye Drops

Over-the-counter eye drops can help your eyes feel more comfortable. There are many different kinds, so you might need to try a few to find what works best for you. Your eye doctor can help you choose the right ones.


When to See an Eye Doctor

If your eyes still bother you after trying these tips for a few weeks, it is time to see an eye doctor. They can figure out why your eyes are dry and suggest other ways to help, like special medicines or treatments.

Remember, dry eyes are common, but there are many ways to make them feel better. With the right care, you can keep your eyes comfortable and healthy. Do not hesitate to talk to your eye doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your eyes.

For more eye care tips, visit Brampton Eye Clinic at our Brampton, Ontario, office. Call (647) 348-9926 to schedule an appointment today.

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